lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2013

ANDALE MONO: 2nd phase finalist!


in association with NOMOS Groupement d'Architectes, for La Cigüe student housing in Geneva, Switzerland. 
Immeuble de logement pour personnes en formation dans l'écoquartier des Vergers pour la Coopérative La Ciguë.


PYO arquitectos: Paul Galindo Pastre, Ophélie Herranz Lespagnol, Natalia Vera Vigaray

NOMOS Groupement d'Architectes SA: Lucas Camponovo, Massimo Bianco, Jean-Michel Chartiel, Katrien Vertenten

ORNELLA exhibited at MoMA

The images from our project ORNELLA (in association with NOMOS) are included in Cut'n'Paste exhibition at MoMA. They are part of a digital animation projected on a fabric screen at the entrance to the gallery. The screen itself is interactive, visitors can walk through it. The animation is composed of a variety of images from contemporary architectural practices, all published in the last months of 2012. 

Cut ’n’ Paste: From Architectural Assemblage to Collage City
July 10, 2013–December 01, 2013
The Robert Menschel Architecture and Design Gallery, third floor

Contemporary culture is often described as a relentless rearrangement of multiple historical references, images, and signs. Collage has been referred to as a process that illustrates this specific condition of modernity. Cut ’n’ Paste explores the evolution of collage as both a fundamental yet overlooked technique of architectural representation, and as an extended cultural notion of layering, juxtaposition, and remix that has shaped perceptions of the urban realm over the past century. 

This installation pulls from MoMA’s vast collection to revisit the medium’s manifold expressions and to uncover how the visual language of collage has come to dominate contemporary architectural representation. Architectural collages from Mies van der Rohe’s early photomontages to the reprise of the technique in digital rendering are juxtaposed with the cut-and-pasted experiments of artists, photographers, and graphic designers. A concept first theorized by architectural critics Colin Rowe and Fred Koetter in the 1970s, these artistic experiments suggest an immersive “collage city”—a city that comes alive through the superimposition of its many elements. 

Considered in this diversity, collage offers more than a continuation of drawing practices. Whether through direct evocations of lifestyle or inventive connections to surrounding cultural conditions, it is an aspirational tool by which architects have drawn reality onto their projects from their earliest conception. 

Organized by Pedro Gadanho, Curator, and Phoebe Springstubb, Curatorial Assistant, Department of Architecture and Design.

jueves, 27 de junio de 2013

DUO exhibited at PRODUCTO FRESCO 2013. Central de Diseño Matadero Madrid

PYO arquitectos participa con DUO en "Producto Fresco", una exposición que realiza DIMAD en la Central de Diseño de Matadero Madrid, comienza en torno al día internacional del Diseño Industrial (29 de junio) y permanecerá abierta entre los días 27 de junio y 15 de septiembre de 2013.

Producto Fresco pretende dar a conocer anualmente lo mejor del diseño de producto realizado en ese periodo por los diseñadores madrileños, o que vivan o se sientan de Madrid, o comercializado por empresas de nuestra región. Producto Fresco, 

Central de Diseño de Matadero Madrid (Plaza de Legazpi, 8) 
de M a V de 16 a 22 h
S, D y festivos, de 11 a 22 h


PYO arquitectos will take part in "Producto Fresco" Exhibition with DUO. Open from june 27th until September 15th, at the “Matadero de Madrid” design center. 

More information at

jueves, 16 de mayo de 2013

Jury @ COLUMBIA GSAPP New York / Paris Architectural Design Studio Final Review

PYO es invitado como Jury para la crítica final del programa New York/Paris Architectural Design Studio de la Universidad de Columbia  (GSAPP) en el Reid Hall de Paris, Francia. Las intervenciones tendrán lugar el día 17 de mayo de 2013.

Profesores: Alessandra Cianchetta, Tsuyoshi Tane, Marcos Garcia Rojo, Antoine Santiard


PYO is invited as Jury for the Columbia GSAPP New York/Paris Architectural Design Studio final review at Reid Hall in Paris, France. The interventions will take place on May 17th 2013.

Professors: Alessandra Cianchetta, Tsuyoshi Tane, Marcos Garcia Rojo, Antoine Santiard

martes, 7 de mayo de 2013


Check out our newest design: DUO! at

All DUO images © Flavie Trichet Lespagnol


PYO is proud to launch OPYO (Objects by PYO), a section of our office focused on furniture design and edition.

miércoles, 30 de enero de 2013

STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN: Prize-Giving Ceremony. January 24th 2013

Concours Ecole Secondaire de Copet. REMISE DES PRIX ET VERNISSAGE le 24 janvier 2013 à 18h30 dans le bâtiment de l'ex-EPA, rue d'Italie 56 à Vevey.

viernes, 25 de enero de 2013


2nd PRIZE 

in collaboration with NOMOS Groupement d'Architectes, for Copet high school in Vevey, Switzerland.


Ecole Secondaire de Copet. Réalisation d'un nouveau complexe scolaire. Concours de projet d'architecture à un degré, procédure ouverte selon SIA 142.


PYO arquitectos: Paul Galindo Pastre, Ophélie Herranz Lespagnol, Natalia Vera Vigaray, Patxi Martín Domínguez
NOMOS Groupement d'Architectes SA: Lucas Camponovo, Massimo Bianco, Jean-Michel Chartiel, Katrien Vertenten
PASCAL HEYRAUD, Landscape Architect


MECANISMO: Juan Rey, Structural Engineer
GB CONSULT SA, Building Services Engineers